Unit 24 Reading Activities Plus Questions

Read the following text and then complete the activities that follow.

Dialogue: Procedural Programming is not Rocket Science

Dialogue Between a Senior Programmer and a Junior Programmer working at an aerospace startup in Los Angeles, CA.

CommanderKeen:  Hey kid, how is that new integration going for the booster rocket project?

SpaceCadet:  Huh? What? Okay I guess.

CommanderKeen:  So will it be ready to demo next week as scheduled? The client really thinks this product will take off.

SpaceCadet: Ha ha. I get it, take off. No wait. It’s going terrible. I guess I need some help.

CommanderKeen: Okay, what’s up?

SpaceCadet:  Well, firstly, this statement is always returning the wrong answer. Why?


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Quiz: Reading Questions

1. SpaceCadet is more skeptical of object-oriented programming and its usefulness than CommanderKeen.
2. The relationship between CommanderKeen and SpaceCadet is very formal and never resorts to puns.
3. CommanderKeen thinks SpaceCadet could never be a good philosopher because he can't code Assembly language.
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